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Selecting a Property Management Firm: Guidelines

A competent property manager is invaluable. So, how can you choose the most qualified property manager? Unquestionably, a property manager can make or break an investment. Due to late rental payments and poorly managed property, hiring the incorrect manager could result in huge losses. Before entrusting your most significant asset to a prospective property management company, conducting a thorough analysis is essential. Here are some factors to contemplate when choosing a property management company to help you make the right choice.

Seek specialized expertise.

The field of Redwood City property management is very specialized. You desire a property manager knowledgeable about federal, state, and local requirements. You also want someone with a history of successfully managing the myriad variables associated with tenants and homes.

Find a business that specializes in managing your investment property. For instance, firms that specialize in commercial real estate may not be qualified to appropriately manage residential properties.

Finally, avoid real estate agents that augment their revenue by serving as property managers. Without specific training, they will be unable to properly care for your investment and are less likely to be familiar with pertinent regulations and codes.

Confirm professional licenses and credentials.

Some jurisdictions allow property management with only a real estate license, while others do not require a license. Competent property managers and management organizations like Bayside Management property management service in Pacifica should have access to the appropriate licenses and professional certifications. Verify with your state’s real estate commission that a property manager’s real estate broker’s license is current. Certifications and professional affiliations are desirable.

Examine reviews and references.

Before meeting with a property management company, review its Yelp and Google ratings and Facebook page comments. Always remember that some reviewers (such as an evicted renter) may have an ulterior motive unrelated to the quality of the company’s service. Review and see this website which can be an excellent first-line resource when comparing multiple organizations.

Request current customer and tenant references from a potential investment property manager. Pick up the phone and inquire about both groups’ experiences. Does the property management promptly respond to owner inquiries? Are they proactive when it comes to upkeep and filling vacancies? Are their fees transparent and easily understood? The timely delivery of checks.

Go over the property management contract.

The property management agreement establishes the commercial connection between you and the property manager and the management team’s tasks and obligations. Due to the significance of the contract, you must carefully review it and make any necessary modifications before signing. Verify that it contains all you desire and that there are no undesirable provisions.

Confirm if they have proper insurance.

You must demonstrate that they have adequate general liability, property casualty, and errors and omissions coverage (E&O). In addition, your property management agreement may require you to acquire suitable insurance, which is beneficial for your protection. Please consult your property manager regarding the required insurance coverage.


If you end up with rental arrears and poorly kept property, choosing the cheapest property management firm in town will not save you money. Choose an individual with the skills, experience, and personality to properly manage a rental property. Look for a company that treats your property as if it were its own. Use these tips to focus your search and choose the most qualified property manager.


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