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Sleep Apnea Symptoms You Should Look Out For

A good night’s sleep is crucial to ensure nutritional health. However, getting quality sleep is next to impossible for those with a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. Breathing pauses that are repeated during sleep characterize the sleep disorder known by the name sleep apnea. If you suffer from sleep apnea, your throat muscles relax during sleep and block your airway. The airflow is blocked for at least 10 seconds.

Recognizing sleep apnea symptoms is important because the issue is more than just interrupted sleep. Sleep apnea sufferers generally suffer from high blood pressure, high glucose, and excessive stress hormones. As time passes, these issues raise your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Sleep Apnea Indicators

Sleep apnea is linked to weight gain, advanced age, poor upper airway structure, and family background. Furthermore, those with bigger neck diameters or soft upper airway tissues are at greater risk of getting the disease. This post will cover the different signs of sleep apnea and how you can spot them.

1. Snoring

Snoring is one of the most frequently encountered issues that develop due to sleep apnea with obstruction. Snoring doesn’t always mean that a person has obstructive sleep apnea; however, it is a strong indication in some instances. Patients who typically suffer from Obstructive sleep apnea have constant snoring, which is so loud that it wakes the bed partner.

To get hold of some of the best oral appliances for sleep apnea, you can search the web for a reputable supplier.

2. Pauses in Breathing

Patients suffering from sleep apnea with obstruction are unable to breathe because their airways become blocked during sleep. As this happens, breathing ceases, typically followed by a frantic attempt to catch one’s breath. There are numerous instances when the patient goes back to sleep without even being conscious of the situation that just occurred. 

Similar to snoring, a person’s bed partner or a close family member often notices this issue. Breathing ceases many times a night in highly stressful situations. If you want treatment without any machine, you can ask about Healthy Sleep Midwest sleep apnea treatment without CPAP for more info.

3. Restless Sleep

With so many activities going on while you sleep, you’ll likely get up and feel restless. You may move around during the night by yanking and kicking or tumbling in bed, and the sheets in your bed could be in a mess as you wake up.

People who suffer from sleep apnea can also need to get up numerous times during the night to go to the bathroom. It is believed that those with obstructive sleep apnea experience an increased need to urinate due to the release of a hormone that affects the kidneys.

4. Daytime Fatigue

Obstructive sleep apnea can cause a restless night’s sleep due to frequent breathing interruptions and low oxygen levels. Thus, people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea might not feel refreshed upon waking and may have significant exhaustion throughout the day. This may further cause feelings of irritability and difficulty in concentration or focusing.

To know the difference between sleep apnea oral appliance vs CPAP, you can ask an expert for suggestions and preferences. 

5. Morning Headache and Sore Throat

The low oxygen levels in your bloodstream are directly tied to how often you breathe while sleeping. A decreased blood flow to the brain and other organs causes carbon dioxide levels to rise. This contributes to headaches and may even cause other health problems. A dryness or dryness to your throat tissue due to needing oxygen all night may cause a sore throat the following day.

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